Online Teaching Aids & Course Supplements
As an added bonus to your core-curriculum, students can also avail themselves of the 15 Additional Teaching Aids and Supplements that are designed to be used in conjunction with your overall e-Course studies and appraisal training.
These supplements and teaching aids are provided in an online format, and can be found on the "Introduction Pages" of your e-Course study modules. As you progress through your plans you'll find that these aids have been strategically placed in order to help reinforce and develop the concepts emphasized within the curriculum. The aim of these aids is to support and augment your e-Course studies.
All of these supplements have been carefully chosen so as to provide the maximum amount of benefit to students working and training in the field of antiques, vintage, collectibles and appraising. They have been added to the Asheford Course to not only enhance the curriculum, but to also provide students with a wider scope of potentially helpful options when it comes time to operating their own businesses. The Supplements listed below, are "inclusive" of the Asheford Program, and are provided at no additional charge.
15 Additional Teaching Aids
1. Free Online Price Guides (directory) listing the latest antique prices as well as real time auction results (located in Plan 5 Appraising) |
As An Added Bonus...
Once you've completed your studies you'll also receive an Asheford approved, "Graduate Seal Of Completion" (similar to the one to the left), which can be placed on your website to indicate to customers and clients alike, that you've completed the Asheford Program, and that you're a "graduate member" in good standing with the Institute.