Course Enrollment Application - $895 Special Offer

Below, you will find information on the Enrollment Application Contract for the Asheford Institute Of Antiques distance-learning program. There are three options available for enrolling:
1. Online - read the application below and click "Order Now" when you
are ready to begin the application process.
2. By Phone - Admissions Office (toll free) 1-877-444-4508
3. By Mail - Use the enrollment application that came in the mail along with the provided envelope.

- 1. Enrollment Contract - an explanation of terms, conditions, guarantees and materials contained within the Asheford Program (see below).
- 2. Payment Plan Options - tuition fees for the Asheford Program (see below).
- 3. Enrollment Application Form - "secure" server form for filling out your name, mailing address, shipping address and credit card information. VISA, MasterCard, American Express, VISA/MasterCard Debit, and Discover are accepted (see below).
STEP 1 - Online Enrollment Contract
Terms, Conditions & Guarantees

I wish to examine the first set of the Asheford Institute of Antiques e-Course study modules. The e-Course module will be made available to me for a period of 5 days for full examination purposes from time of enrollment. If for any reason I am not satisfied, I may cancel my enrollment with the Institute within the 5-day examination period for a full refund of my money, giving my reasons why.
If I choose to keep the e-Course, I am to receive:
The complete 13-volume Asheford e-Course on antiques, collectibles, vintage & appraising; including e-Course in five separate modules, Free Antique Price Guide, Research Service, Business Plan, Information Bulletin, Newspaper Subscription, Membership Card, Free Book on Antiques or Collectibles, as well as full examination correction and consultation services, and all other privileges accorded students. Including Free Advisory and Consultation Service for up to 3 years after enrollment, plus an additional 1 year grace-period, for a total allowable Course completion time of 4 years (additional completion time after this period will incur a "reactivation" fee for student accounts and services).
Individual instruction through the Faculty and Consulting Staff, who are under the personal supervision of Charles Green, Director of the AlA.
The Asheford Institute of Antiques Diploma of Graduation and Appraisal Certification, which is to be awarded to me after I have satisfactorily completed the Program, completed my Course tuition payments, and have fully complied with the terms as set forth in this enrollment application contract.
I agree to follow the Course Plans diligently and restrict use of same to myself. If I decide to keep the e-Course study plans, I will send payments in accordance with my selection checked in the Application Form listed in STEP 3.
1. CHECK - please use the enclosed enrollment contract that came in the mail
and send to the Institute along with your check.
2. MONEY ORDER - please use the enclosed enrollment contract that came in
the mail and send to the Institute along with your money order.
3. CREDIT CARD - Please proceed to STEP 2 below. (Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, Discover, Visa Debit, MasterCard Debit accepted).
STEP 2 - Payment Plan Options

PAYMENT PLANS: You may choose from two different Payment Plan options when ordering the Asheford Program. There is one "Installment" Plan (tuition is paid monthly), and one paid "In Full" option. You may also add USPAP & PACC to any of the Payment Plans shown below. Consider a Payment Plan that best suits your needs. *You will select your Payment Plan Option in STEP 3.
>> PLAN (A) $895.00 (SPECIAL OFFER)
As PAYMENT IN FULL (save $400.00 Off original Plan A price) Total: $895.00
Optional - add $297.95 for the National 15-Hour USPAP Course & Asheford-PACC Compliance Examination. Total: $1,192.95
>> PLAN (B) $995.00 (SPECIAL OFFER)
$35.00 with enrollment and $45.00 each month thereafter until the full price of $995.00 is paid (Save $300 Off original Plan A price) Total: $995.00
Optional - add $297.95 for the National 15-Hour USPAP Course & Asheford-PACC Compliance Examination. Total: $1,292.95
On "monthly" tuition Payment options (Plan B), all tuition payments are due on a monthly basis, and must be kept current regardless of Course progress. Pass-codes for e-Course study plans are sent out in installments (along with Teaching Aids), upon the receipt and grading of examinations. Monthly tuition payments are due regardless of whether or not examinations are submitted for grading.
If you have completed reading the information regarding the various enrollment options; have chosen a Payment Plan, and are ready to place your order, please proceed to STEP 3 to start the Enrollment Application process. (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or VISA/MasterCard Debit are accepted).
STEP 3 - Enrollment Application Form