Thank You For Requesting Our Free Hard-copy Course Prospectus Booklet
Your order has been received, and is in the process of being sent to our Mailroom Department. If you do not receive your free booklet in the next 3 to 7 days, please ensure that you correctly filled out all the required information on the email form (you may resubmit your request if necessary).
But Remember... Our Latest Prospectus Is Located Online!
If you'd like to view our most up-to-date Prospectus, with information regarding the school's new e-Course, content changes, and topic updates and additions, then we suggest you head over to our online Prospectus Page for a complete review of what the Asheford Program has to offer.
If you'd like to receive the most current information on the school's new online program, which includes such features as, embedded videos, multimedia instructional displays, topic-direct links, and more... then we recommend you visit our e-Course Page for all the details.
If you submitted a request for additional information or had a specific question, your email will be routed to the appropriate department and will be answered shortly. Should you have any additional questions about the Course or comments in general, you can email us at: [email protected], Or, simply call the Asheford Admissions Office toll free at: 1-877-444-4508
Images While You're Waiting?
Then come visit us on Instagram, and lean more about the school, our staff, some of our promotional events, along with a whole slew of great photos capturing the best antiques, vintage items, collectibles and decorative arts pieces that the world has to offer. It's another side of the school you'll only find on Instagram.